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Katie Broyles
My Italian Family

Epilogue: Four Hundred Years Ago in Lenola

On top of the hill that Lenola is situated on is the town’s most celebrated and cherished church, Il Santuario della Madonna del Colle.  If you are from Lenola, you may know everything there is to know about this church, and it may even be the church you go to every Sunday.  If you are not, you will undoubtedly be taken here and given a verbal history of how it came to be.  Your tour guide will unmistakably point out to you the two trees that grow from a ledge about half way up the front wall of the church, and tell you, wide-eyed and excited, that these trees are "magical" and "mysterious" because they have no roots and yet have been growing there for decades.  According to local legend, the miracle of the root-less trees must have something to do with the story and miraculous event that caused the founding of the church.

      If you are visiting Lenola, and Il Santuario della Madonna del Colle in the year 2002, then you are in for a special treat, and you will notice starting in the beginning of July, elaborate decorations and growing excitement around the church.  This is because on September 15th, the whole town will come together for the biggest celebration of its history: the 400th anniversary of the consecration of the church and the miracle that inspired its construction.  Italians are always ready and willing to celebrate an event, and this one will knock the socks off any other celebration in Lenola’s history.  The church was certainly not the first building in the town (there are many houses and some churches that date back to the twelfth century), but it is now unmistakably the center, the core that gives this community its character and its enduring values.  After the church was built, the town sprung up around it in a spiral-like fashion all the way down the scenic hill.

      All of the thousands of churches in Italy were built for a reason or by some sort of inspiration. Il Santuario della Madonna del Colle holds its own unique story and special reason for coming into existence.  The people of Lenola are very proud and much in awe of the church and its story and feel so very fortunate to be alive to celebrate its 400 year anniversary. 


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